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"History Julio Cesar Garcia Gonzalez "

Currently, the Association grants scholarships to 122 children to attend the Educational Center Building Dreams, where they offer pre-primary education for children 5 and 6 years old. It also has the Blessing of God Educational Center, recognized by the Ministry of Education, where primary education is offered and where 345 scholarship children are served. But they know that education must continue, so they currently grant scholarships to 30 young people in their studies at the Secondary Level and 3 more at the Diversified Level. Although the Association was born with the desire to offer education to low-income children, now its activities include more than that, and they have infrastructure, health, zero smoke at home, food and clothing programs, education in practical workshops and improvement in quality of life. The changes in the community are beginning to be felt and although much remains to be done, the smiles of the children confirm it, their lives are being filled with hope. “On July 15, 2017, we will be turning 15 years old,” says Julio, “and there will just be 17 professional graduates who were supported by the Association and three of them work with us” and without being able to hide his emotion Julio says: “that is our greatest success."



The dream of helping that he had since he was a child has come true and is bearing important fruit in an entire community.

Julio César García González decided to dedicate himself to making his dream come true: to change the lives of the children of San Juan Alotenango through education. Three years before, he had arrived in Alotenango with a contract to work as a teacher in the community school. The poverty and need of its inhabitants moved him, and he said to himself: “I have to do something”. The opportunity to help came disguised as a problem, when his teaching contract was not renewed. “My wife supported me” recalls Julio, “she was in charge of financially supporting the home so that I could dedicate myself to this dream”. And so, on July 15, 2002, the Association Blessing of God was born. The beginnings were not easy: “I had a year without help and above all with many precarious situations. I started without books, tables, chairs, without teaching materials. Our tables and chairs were the block with boards and the ground, but there was a great enthusiasm to study on the part of the children who came, this was enough to continue”, explains Julio. It was in the month of June 2003 that Carla and Ana María arrived from Fundación `Los Niños´, from the Netherlands, who believed in the project and began to give financial contributions for the better functioning of the Association. This is how we started another stage of growth and dreams.

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